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The role of peers (former or current drug users) in reducing risky behavior within methamphetamine and crack smokers has not been well described or researched. The current study not only explores the role of peers in reducing risk factors for morbidity within the illicit drug smoking population in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) community of Vancouver but it also investigates the changes in the nature of drug use after the closure of an unsanctioned smoking facility.
The results indicate that peers (former and current drug users who are employed as educators) are instrumental in transferring risk reduction knowledge within crack and methamphetamine smokers. For example, these peers have been able to teach users about the risk of sharing pipes, using brillo, and using public drug. Furthermore, the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users provides employment for crack and methamphetamine users in Vancouver who tend to have scarce sources of employment. However, since the closure of the unsanctioned inhalation facility, there has been significantly more public drug use and pipe sharing in the vicinity of the facility, placing drug smokers at significant risk of arrest, violence, and blood-borne infections.
Recent research has documented the severe health problems associated with smoking illicit drugs, especially crack and methamphetamine. While sharing crack and methamphetamine pipes has been routinely linked to the outbreak of respiratory illnesses such as tuberculosis (TB), research has also highlighted a plausible link to hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. Some researchers have postulated that blood-borne infections may be transmitted via pipes because many illicit drug smokers have sores, blisters, and cuts on their lips and oral cavities that are caused by contact with hot or broken glass pipes that are not heat resistant [8, 9].
The research coordinator was paid an honorarium of CAN$5 for each referral. The participants who, after reading the consent statement, agreed to partake in the semi-structured interviews, by giving a verbal consent, were paid CAN$20 after the interview. All the names used in this research are pseudonyms. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in a VANDU office with a digital tape recorder enhancing the interview process by allowing the researcher to write keywords and phrases in his notebook for later analysis and allowing the collected data be typed at a later date. The first author spent 8 h of observation in and around the vicinity of VANDU (two block area) by walking the alleys and parking lots in the DTES community for a period of 2 weeks on different days and times to confirm the narratives from the peers and illicit drug smokers that public crack or methamphetamine drug use has significantly increased.
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