Rapoo 8900P Wireless Mouse Keyboard Review [PORTABLE]
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Previous Rapoo keyboards have focused on the tablet market; the 8900P firmly takes aim at the business desktop environment. The combo contains an E9270P wireless keyboard with a 7800P performance mouse.
Rapoo products have a power-saving function to maximize battery life. You do not have to turn the mouse/ keyboard off every time you stop using it. When the product is not moving or there is no signal from the USB receiver, it will automatically turn sleep-mode on to save battery power. When you complete work with the product for the day, we do recommend to use the On/Off power button to optimize the battery life.
I still remember the first "wireless" keyboard I tried. It was my grandfather's old Olympus typewriter, a heavy beast with lots of metal parts and the most satisfying key press I've ever experienced in my life.
These days, the term refers to a plethora of key-based interfaces of typically compact stature, allowing you to operate a computer, tablet, smartphone or even game system in lieu of wired alternatives. It's the kind of segment that Rapoo is aiming at with its 8900P wireless combo package, which also adds a wireless mouse to the mix.
Sometimes you just want a nice combo mouse/keyboard that is wireless and matches your scheme in your room, in my case my desk was white, my furniture was white and the Rapoo 8200P Wireless Mouse/Keyboard combo also came in white. I was more than happy to review this combo keyboard/mouse set and see how it worked for my day to day work.
Missing information about the drivers aside, the mouse and keyboard functioned very well. The wireless keyboard was able to keep up with typing tests with virtually no noticeable latency or lag on the keys typed as you can see in this real time recorded typing test on the Rapoo 8200P keyboard.
Overall this was a great little business/travel keyboard and mouse combo and if you need a business keyboard/mouse that is easy to use, is responsive, flexible and white or black, then the Rapoo 8200P was certainly pleasant and did a nice job. Now, I did find the mouse was very light weight, too light for my general liking for daily use (fine in a pinch though) and the lack of macro capture limited this from being a gaming keyboard per say. It would have been nice to have some backlit elements to the keyboard and mouse for when you travel and have to work in the dark with this keyboard/mouse combo, so these would be some suggestions for potentially a newer model.
The R9270P wireless keyboard is a sleek keyboard with chicklet-style switches. These are made with the same scissor key structure as you'll find in laptops. Some people find that typing with this kind of keyboard is more comfortable. The keyboard also has illuminated media keys, though to save battery power these will only light up when your hand nears them. 2b1af7f3a8